Thursday, April 2, 2015

Digital Imaging Assignment

The Great Gatsby has a lot of memorable scenes and moments, both in the movie adaptations and in the novel itself. I want you to think of the most memorable moment for you and create an image that captures that moment the way you see it.

Because that can be difficult there is an alternative assignment that you may do. I would like you to make a movie poster with the actor's and actress' that you would cast for a remake of The Great Gatsby. After you have completed the poster I would like you to then write a small explanation of why you chose the actor/actress and why you think they would be perfect for the role.

You will need to know basic Photo Shop for this assignment, there are many tutorials on YouTube on how to do techniques. There should be noticeable changes to the original photos you are using, so please show the original photos and how you have edited them.

Here's an example:

These are the photos I used for the movie poster that I made.

Here is the final result of editing the photos and putting them together with Photo Shop

Good luck and have fun with this assignment, it's about creativity so be creative!

I have found that is a really unique site that we will integrate into our class. This is basically an online classroom. The page for our class will show what we are doing in class that week as an overall plan and will have updated day by day planning. 

This is something nice for your parent's to see as well as something useful for you to check. Most of your assignments will be posted here on, but some assignment's can only be posted to due to their formatting differences. 

If you miss class that day or are not sure what's due tomorrow you can always check

Here's the link to our class' page:

The Great Robotics Project

For this assignment you get into groups of 2 or 3 depending on the number of students in class and will be making a robot and dealing with programming the robot on the computer. Since our lesson plan has been on The Great Gatsby you will create a robot that has something to do with the novel.

There aren't very many rules for this assignment, just make a robot that is relevant to The Great Gatsby somehow. You could make a robot that looks like Gatsby and says a line that you liked the best when reading the novel. You could remake a short scene if you wanted to. Anything you want to do you can do it for this assignment.

You will learn how to program your robot through a computer program. We will go over this in class, since its fairly simple to learn. Another requirement for this project is that your robot must be made of recyclable materials. You can color them with markers, crayons, or colored pencils, you could even paint or spray paint center pieces if you wanted to. But the robot must be made of recyclable materials.

Have fun with this project, we will spend about 3 weeks on the project.

Here are some videos about what we will do and I will include some tutorials in case you want to know more or forget about programming:

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